Puppies You Can’t Resist

image taken by me

image taken by me


Puppies puppies everywhere,

puppies puppies on the stairs.

Running running through the house,

running running after a mouse.

Laying laying in my bead,

laying laying down his head.

Pooping pooping on the floor,

pooping pooping by the door.

Barking barking at a cat,

barking barking ready to attack.

Chewing chewing up the rug,

chewing chewing the wall plug.

Puppies puppies oh so fine,

puppies puppies they’re all MINE!

On Saturday my family got a puppy. He is a white lab of 11 weeks. He literally looks like the puppy from Nintendogs. We finally decided on the name Emmet, and he’s already getting used to it. on Sunday, my friend and I took him to the beach with us. It took us about 45 minutes to walk 100 feet to get a lemonade because everyone wanted to stop us and pet the pup. Not only did that slow us down, but Emmet insisted on laying down next to anyone who pet him, and he wouldn’t budge, so we had to drag him away with the leash looking like puppy torturers. Yesterday morning he pooped in the house about 4 times, luckily I as sleeping while he did his damage, so my brothers had to clean it up. But despite all his messes, he is so cute and I love him, and its soooo worth it.


My Boyimage from nextdaypets.com

My Boy
image from nextdaypets.com


3 days

74.5 hours

4470 minutes

26820 seconds

and through all that time, I’ll be anticipating

Ill be counting down the days

the hours

the minutes

the seconds

until I get what it is that I want

Anticipation; its a nuisance  

On Saturday i’m getting a puppy! I cannot wait until it gets here. Our old dog died about two years ago, and ever since then, my family has been bugging my mom to let us get a dog. Finally on sunday night while we were surfing the web, she finally cracked and said yes, and now we have a new family member headed our way! Its a white lab, and its adorable. This whole week my mom and I have been trying to think of names, we have been shooting each other texts left and right, but still haven’t come up with anything that has stuck. I want to name him Thor, and she wants to name him Marco. Help our puppy find a name; comment below with any name ideas that you have.