7 New Ways To Say Wednesday

Image fromhttp://2.bp.blogspot.com

Image fromhttp://2.bp.blogspot.com


Hump day,




Middle of the week,

Late start day,


Today I got bored with saying the same ol’ same ol’ term for today, “Wednesday”. I figured I would research some different ways to say it to spice up my day. So I opened up my browser (google is my preference) and I searched translations for the word wednesday. Surprisingly, it was more difficult than I imagined it would be. But, I weeded through all the spam websites and found what I was looking for. I wrote a free-verse poem about it, and I predict you will find it very helpful when your trying to find new ways to say Wednesday. So next time you get bored with saying the same term over and over, find some new ways to say it, it will definitely make your day more interesting. Comment below any new words that you find!

Weary Wednesday

Weary Wednesday

Half way through the week

OK you’re almost through it.

Motivation’s getting weak

but you’ll find a way to boost it.

Tired eyes and dragging feet

you stumble through your day.

Can’t wait to go home, go to sleep,

and rest your fatigue away.

But you can’t do that yet,

so you try to live in the moment.

Quit daydreaming about that, get

your head out of the clouds and try to be patient.

Just think how good it’ll feel

when you finally get to hit the hay.

You’ll wake up the next morning

and feel refreshed for the whole new day.

I found my self tired this morning and decided to create some inspiration for myself and others feeling the same exhaustion that I was.  Tell us what helps you make it through the day in the comments section below.